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Showing posts from August, 2006

Our Anti-Spam Saga

Our "Uncrashable" Notes Server has only crashed a few times in the last five years. Once it was due to an Archiving agent having issues with a corrupted mail. Every other time has been due to incompatibilities between the Symantec MailSecurity package and Windows. When we first got this package, we were very impressed and indeed it performed quite well for a number of years. The first really "WRONG" step, was when symantec lazily decided to get their premium Anti-Spam product to run from the Microsoft SMTP Service rather than from within Notes. This is not a technical issue. It's a cost cutting measure. Over the years, this one decision has caused us no end of grief. The final straw came a couple of months ago when we were about to go live with our second website on the same server. obviously we needed to move our configuration settings to site documents. Everything went fine until the reboot. Following the reboot, the Premium section of the Symantec MailSecu...