The 8.0 Client In previous years, I'd have jumped onto the new Notes/Domino within six months of release. This time however, things have changed. First of all, there's the fact that the whole Notes 8 client is a rewrite using eclipse. It turns the 18+ year old product into a version 1.0 again - at least for a little while. My first attempts with the Version 8 client showed that the system was so slow that I could make coffee faster than it could start - and I mean proper plunged coffee, I quickly realised that you could gain some massive speed improvements by turning off the anti-virus program - great... but is that really a good idea? After a while of having both 7.0.2 and 8.0 on my PC, I found myself using the older client pretty much exclusively. 8.0.2 and Hard Drive Concerns Ok, so there was an 8.0.1 but I blinked and it passed on by. At 8.0.2, I decided to give things another go. First of all, I tried installing the client on my PC. I had almost no space at all left on