This isn't intended to be the greatest method, but provides a quick method for setting up a means of reporting web site hits. 1. Copy the Domino Web Server Log Template so that you don't overwrite the original. 2. Create a new view (or better still copy/paste and rename the All Requests View). 3. Change the Selection Criteria to something like this... REM {Normalize the adress: remove leading 'www.' and trailing ': '}; _server := @LowerCase(ServerAddress); _hasPrefix := @If(@Left(_server; 4) = "www."; @True; @False); _hasPort := @If(@Contains(_server; ":"); @True; @False); _address := @If(_hasPrefix; @RightBack(_server; 4); _server); _address := @If(_hasPort; @LeftBack(_address; ":"); _address); SELECT _address = "" 4. Leave the first column (Hits) as a Totals Column hiding detail rows. 5. The second column should be uncategorized ascending and hidden with a formula of @Year(@Created) 6. The third column s...