Why Javascript? If you're like me and not really a domino developer, but a bit of everything, then you probably don't have a lot of time to spend on learning all the tips and tricks of domino. Often, creating a database is simply a matter of "knocking together" forms and views that will do the job and putting only minimal validation in place. The problem is that normal built-in notes validation is awful on the web. You need to submit a form and get a validation "knockback" then click the back button in your browser and re-fill in the form. (Unless you have a modern version of firefox which seems to remember form data prior to submission). In any case, what you really want is something that neatly informs you that you've missed something. The way to do this on the web is to use Javascript. Disclaimer The technique I'm going to use here is an old one. If you're a seasoned Javascript developer, you'll certainly have much better methods. ...