This tip is "low tech" but something I'm often asked. How can I grab an image from the screen so that I can stick it into a Word Document. I'm sure that there's people out there nodding their heads and saying "ah, yes, the old Print Screen or Alt+PrintScreen trick" - then just paste into word". Well, yes and no. Did you know that if you do a print screen and paste it into Word, Excel, Powerpoint or even Lotus Notes, that the size of your document will grow considerably compared to saving the same image as a JPEG and then importing it? If you have a lot of graphics to insert, then this oversight can lead to serious performance issues, instability and ultimately document corruption. There is a better way. A Quick Note on The Gimp I've selected The GIMP as the package of choice here, not because it's the best but because it's the best FREE application which works across multiple platforms. How To Grab the Image If you're in a web brow...