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Showing posts from July, 2011

Scheduling Maintenance Tasks on the Domino Server

I'm sure that most Domino admins have been doing these tasks regularly but if you don't have occasion to touch them often, you might this post useful. As I mentioned last week, we've been having issues with the JVE running out of memory on our server. One of the "solutions" (band-aids) was to restart the domino HTTP task. I've been experimenting to see how long I can leave it and the shortest it's been is about 30 hours. It seemed to be a good idea to stop and then restart the domino HTTP service on a timer. In admin-talk, that means a program document. Procedure The steps I'm using here are for Domino 8.5.2 but I don't think they've changed in years. 1. Start Domino Administrator 2. Click on the tab marked Configuration 3. In the left hand navigator,click on Server (and expand it) 4. In the left hand navigator,click on Programs This will take you to a screen where you can expand your servers and see what other regular tasks are scheduled. If...

Domino Resource Issues under XPages

A couple of weeks ago, we launched a new XPages app. Hopefully the first of many. It was very impressive and we got a lot of hits.... ...until the server crashed. Not a big deal. Our server is set to restart automatically, and it was up and running in no time. Then about 1.5 days later we had another crash. We've decided to tackle this on a few fronts, first of all we're rewriting some parts of the app to be a bit less intense and to take better advantage of the recycler. That's all cutting edge development stuff, so it's really not "me". On the admin side, I wanted to see if we could release resources a bit. I checked the server close to a crash but there's no indication on the Windows 2003 side of things. Of course, the Notes Logs tell a different story. HTTP JVM: CLFAD0211E: Exception thrown. For more detailed information, please consult error-log-0.xml located in e:/Lotus/Domino/data/domino/workspace/logs HTTP JVM: >>>> HTTP JVM: The XP...