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Showing posts from May, 2013

How to Get your Personal Address Book Data Synching with IBM Notes Traveler and the iPhone/Android

I'm surprised that nobody seems to know how to do this - well, according to my research on the web anyway. So here it is, the instructions for getting your IBM Notes (we don't use the words Lotus Notes anymore) personal address book Synched with your Apple iPhone (and presumably Android too). Note: I'm assuming that you're already running Traveler and are able to get your mail and calendar. Enabling Contacts Synchronisation In IBM Notes, Select File , then Preferences . Click on Contacts Make sure that this is turned on;     [x] Enable "Synchronise Contacts " on the Replication and Sync Tab   While you're in here, make sure that in the Recent Contacts section you have selected;    (o) Do not add any names This bit isn't critical to the procedure but it's caused us no end of grief.  It's fine if you don't have lots of outside contacts in a giant corporate address book but it's painful if you do. Click Ok . Enabling...