Note: This isn't my solution, all credit goes to "nickbeee" who posted a couple of lines on the firefox site. I've had to document this for our internal users and figured that other people may benefit from a more detailed explanation.
Also: I'm a stickler for long explanations with pictures....
First: The problem that you see looks like this;
It states on the webmail screen simply (and cryptically)
A problem has occurred which may have caused the current operation to fail.

To get it, browse to:
and click Add to Firefox.

You'll be prompted to install the extension and then you'll be told to restart Firefox.

Note: To get to the menu in Firefox, press the Alt Key once.
Click Tools, then Remote XUL Manager.

A mostly empty dialog box will appear.
Click Add.

A text input box will appear. Type your mail domain in here and click Ok.
If you use several domains, you may want to add the others in now.

Thanks in Advance
Error loading script 1
Greetings from Switzerland
3 tips for Firefox crashes problems
This just started happening in Firefox 14 - was previously working fine. Followed instructions here and its back to normal. Thanks!
Now i can say good bye to IE for ever ;)
Cheers from INDIA