Last time we got the views, forms, framesets etc up and running. This time we're going to look at execution. Create a VB Script Library called NAVScripts The first thing we need to do is add the RunShellExecute API to our Project. In the Declarations section of your application, add the following; Declare Function GetDesktopWindow Lib "user32" () As Long Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" ( Byval hwnd As Long , Byval lpOperation As String , Byval lpFile As String , Byval lpParameters As String , Byval lpDirectory As String , Byval nShowCmd As Long ) As Long Note that the there are only two lines here (The second group has a few word-wraps in it). Next, add the following code, which makes it a little easier to use the shellexecute function. It also allows us to pass multiple things to it separated by double hashes ## (this is useful if you want to specify a specific action, as specified in the comments a...