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Showing posts from September, 2005

Creating a Domino Navigation System - Part 2

Last time we got the views, forms, framesets etc up and running. This time we're going to look at execution. Create a VB Script Library called NAVScripts The first thing we need to do is add the RunShellExecute API to our Project. In the Declarations section of your application, add the following; Declare Function GetDesktopWindow Lib "user32" () As Long Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" ( Byval hwnd As Long , Byval lpOperation As String , Byval lpFile As String , Byval lpParameters As String , Byval lpDirectory As String , Byval nShowCmd As Long ) As Long Note that the there are only two lines here (The second group has a few word-wraps in it). Next, add the following code, which makes it a little easier to use the shellexecute function. It also allows us to pass multiple things to it separated by double hashes ## (this is useful if you want to specify a specific action, as specified in the comments a...

Creating a Domino Navigation System - Part 1

Introduction In this tutorial, I'll be attempting to show you one way that you could make a menu/navigation system for your company (I'm hesitating to use the word portal ), without resorting to either Workplace or WebSphere. I think we're all familiar with the welcome screen, which is nice for individual users, but really isnt much good for a corporation, especially not one with lots of databases. I originally built a navigation system for my company using Navigators, they were the only things available at the time. This resolved some problems I had with the workspace, namely how to put new databases on the desktop, and control where they went. Unfortunately, the problem with this approach is that when you want to make changes, you have to do so using designer. I wanted to come up with a more flexible navigator which would allow things to be easily moved around. Note that the proposed navigator is a Notes-based, rather than web-based system. The Basic Building Blocks I...

Copyright and Other Disclaimers (Important)

I'm not a "legal" person, and I know that most people don't bother reading legal things, so I'm writing this in plain English. Ideally that shouldn't affect the legal potency of this work... Ownership of Material Technically I am the owner of all material posted on this blog, however I grant everyone the right to use it in any way they want to (except to bring legal action, abuse or other horrible stuff down onto me). It would be nice if you were to acknowledge the source, but I know that in the connected world, this isn't always possible, so I won't hold you to it. You can copy it, send it around, change words (on your copy, not on mine) etc... Insulting Statements etc. I will be trying hard not to insult people or companies or make libellous statements, but sometimes you do these things without thinking. If I offend anyone, please let me know (I think there's some sort of email link on this blog somewhere), and I will remove the offending ent...

Welcome (Introduction to the Blog)

Hi, and welcome to my Computing and Lotus Domino blog... I was originally going to mix computing family and movies all into my other blog, but then I thought about the audience... If you want to read about one topic, you don't want other topics interfering. The main things that will be on this blog will be; General Articles on Computing Future Directions, Home PC Security etc. I don't expect anything here to be life-changing, but I'll try to pitch this at a consistent level. Real-life Computing problems and Answers I'm an IT Manager and have a lot to do with LANs, Security etc). I'll talk about my problems with Systems Implementation, Management issues etc. Lotus Domino /Lotus Notes (and maybe Workplace) I have a long association with this product, and there already a lot of sites out there that are either too light, or too technical, I'm going to try to walk a middle road. I will try to keep these things separate and will usually attempt to describe the topic n...