It's taken a bit longer than I expected to find a free solution to conversion of video files for the Blackberry but I've finally found one. The software to use is called; Internet Video Converter (I used version 1.52 standard) and you can get it from this web site ( ). The application relies on either the FFmpeg or the Mencoder files in order to do the conversions. These files are available separately but I think they're also included with the utility. Converting the File Rip, Download or otherwise obtain your AVI file . Start the Internet Video Converter Application . Click on the Tab marked Transcoder . Click on the button marked 1. Select a Video . Choose a video file to use (there is a 1 second DOS screen that appears - don't panic about this). The Save As section will be filled in automatically. Change it if you need to. In the format list choose; Mobile QVGA 320x240 - AAC/good (.3GP) . Note: If you have a different type of blackberry...